
And much more!

Other powerful features that will save you time and money.

Extras in K-Ops software

Import your data by the thousands.

Thanks to our data importer, you can literally import hundreds or even thousands of records in a few minutes into K-Ops. Import your lists of equipment, deficiencies, questions, tags or any other type of data supported in K-Ops.

Data importer
the history and the complete cycle for records in K-Ops

Who, when, what.

Always have at hand the history and the complete cycle for all records in K-Ops. From the creation of the latter to the very last event performed, have all the evidence in your hands to quickly trace each of the events that affected the record in question.


Who, when, what.

Always have at hand the history and the complete cycle for all records in K-Ops. From the creation of the latter to the very last event performed, have all the evidence in your hands to quickly trace each of the events that affected the record in question.

the history and the complete cycle for records in K-Ops

Keep access to your data.

Whether during the project, immediately after or several years after its completion, always maintain access to your projects. This will allow you to quickly find valuable information if needed, rather than searching through hundreds of thousands of emails, on user accounts that may have been closed and where former employees are no longer reachable.

Keep access to your data.
Instant notifications with K-Ops, Quality managment QA/QC for construction closeout

Be notified instantly.

Whether with email notifications or notifications directly on your mobile device, you will always be up to date on the latest activities requiring your attention.


Be notified instantly.

Whether with email notifications or notifications directly on your mobile device, you will always be up to date on the latest activities requiring your attention.

Instant notifications with K-Ops, Quality managment QA/QC for construction closeout

Multilingual support.

We support multiple display languages in K-Ops allowing you to select the language of your choice. K-Ops is currently supported in French and English. You have a specific request? Contact us below to let us know which language you would like to see available in K-Ops.

Multilingual support of k-Ops, Quality managment QA/QC for construction closeout

See how extras can help your team.

See how extras can help your team.

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